Moms Say AJTL Lapbooks are Easy to Use by Kelli Becton

We love hearing from our customers about how A Journey Through Learning products are enhancing their homeschool.

AJTL lapbooks are easy to use!

One of the key features of our lapbooks is the easy to use format. Each page is numbered so that - even if you were to drop the entire stack of pages . . . they could easily be put back in order. Additionally, there are pictures to show you how to lay out the mini-booklets, and each mini-book is explained in full within the study guides that accompany the stand alone lapbooks. A first time homeschool mom and first time lapbooker said,

I just wanted you to know how much I love your lapbooks! This is my first year homeschooling my three children, and our first experience using lapbooks.

Of the lapbooks I have seen, these are by far superior.

Even when I can get some products for free, I would still prefer to purchase A Journey Through Learning.

They are easy to follow, have clear instructions and great curriculum matter.

~Lucinda Douglas - a homeschool mom

We LOVE to hear that Lucinda! Thank you for sharing! Producing curriculum that holds valuable information, is relevant to students ages, and is easy to use - are just a few of our main goals at AJTL. Lapbooking will add a layer of creativity to your studies (even if you are not a "crafty" or "artistic" person) and will help your students not only learn to pull out the most relevant information, but also will help them retain what they learn. When they are finished with each lapbook or unit study project - they will have something to be proud of, and a terrific review tool!

Have you tried lapbooking yet?

If you have not yet signed up for our newsletter - be sure to do so & you will automatically be directed to the download page for a FREE Lapbook of the 17th Century!

Let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help and encourage you in your homeschool journey.
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