Wars of America Copywork (1600-present) Copywork (printed letters)

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Wars of America Copywork is full of interesting information about all of the wars that the United States has been involved in during the years between 1600 to present. Your child will copy snippets of famous speeches, quotes, historical facts and information and newsworthy happenings while at the same time reinforcing spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills.
Copy work is important because it develops a love for reading, writing, and learning. When completed, your child will have a wonderful running diary in his own handwriting of American wars.
Pequot War
King Philip’s War
French and Indian War
American Revolution
War of 1812
Mexican-American War
Civil War
Indian Wars
Spanish-American War
World War I
World War II
Pearl Harbor
The Atom Bomb
The Korean War
The Cold War
Bay of Pigs
Vietnam War
Persian Gulf War
Oklahoma City Bombing
World Trade Center Attack
War on Terrorism
25 pages