New Leaf Press-The Answers Book for Kids Volume 3 Lapbook

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Even adults struggle to understand our Creator - the infinite Being who seeks a personal relationship with each of us. Now kids can begin to understand both God's Holy Word and the importance of Him in their lives - what He expects from them, why it is vital to follow His plan for their lives, and the love He has for them. Open the book and discover:
標hy can't I hear God talking to me? 菱ow big is God? 標hat does God look like? 標hy do I get in trouble at school when I talk about the Bible? These important answers will empower children to live with godly values and with a spirit of obedience for God. The new Answers Book for Kidsseries is a unique collection from Ken Ham and the creative team at Answers in Genesis.
This lapbook is made to supplement "The Answer Book for Children" Volume 2 book by Ken Ham. Both book and this lapbook is required to do the lapbook. Order the lapbook here. Then go to to order "The Answer Book for Kids" book.
This lapbook requires 3 folders
56 pages.