An Overview of the 18th Century Copywork (printed letters)

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An Overview of the 18th Century Copywork is full of interesting information from the topics covered in An Overview of the 18th Century Unit Study and An Overview of the 18th Century Lapbook (both sold separately). Your child will copy famous speeches, quotes, historical documents and newsworthy happenings while at the same time reinforcing spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills. When completed, your child will have a running diary in his/her own handwriting of how people lived in the 18th century!
Topics in "An Overview of the 18th Century" include: School in the 1700's, Slave Trade, French and Indian War, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Dividing the Western Lands, The White House, George Washington, Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Boone, Inventions, 18th Century Technology
26 pages