Christmas Unit Study

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Have some Christmas fun and make all kinds of precious Christmas memories with the kids! Our Christmas lapbook has study guide pages and lots of activities, crafts, games, recipes and more!! Includes
History of the Gingerbread Man (study guide)
Decorate the Gingerbread Man activity (craft)
Gingerbread Men (recipe)
The History of the Advent Calendar (study guide)
Fill out a December Calendar (activity)
Advent Calendar (activity)
What are Family Traditions (study guide)
Write about your family traditions (activity)
Doing Something Special for Someone Else (activity)
The Christmas Tree (study guide)
Unscramble the Christmas Tree Words (activity)
Make an Edible Ice Cream Christmas Tree (recipe)
Santa’s Reindeer (study guide)
Santa’s Reindeer (activity)
Recipe for Making a Special Treat for Santa’s Reindeer (activity)
And much, much more.
51 pages!