An Overview of the 20th Century Copywork (cursive letters)

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An Overview of the 20th Century Copy Work is full of interesting information from all 25 topics covered in our Overview of the 20th Century Lapbook and also Unit Study(sold separately) Your child will copy famous speeches, quotes, historical documents and newsworthy happenings while at the same time reinforcing spelling, grammar, and punctuation skills.
Copy work is important because it develops a love for reading, writing, and learning. When completed, your child will have a wonderful running diary in his own handwriting of how people lived back in time.
Topics are Henry Ford, Panama Canal, Suffrage, Wright Brothers, World War 1, Charles Lindbergh, Stock Market Crash, Roaring 20's, Great Depression, Hoover Dam, World War 2, Pearl Harbor, Propaganda, Life in the 50's, The Cold War, Civil Rights, First Man on the Moon, John F. Kennedy, Vietnam War, Watergate, Internet, Persian Gulf War, Y2K, 20th Century Technology, and 20th Century Presidents.
30 pages