An Overview of the 18th Century Unit Study

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Welcome to the 18th century! Colonization is in full force and a new country is being formed! Breaking free of England's stronghold is the talk of the town. There are constitutions to be written and declarations to be heralded!
An Overview of the 18th Century covers the years 1700-1799. It is complete and comes with an information page for each topic written at a level your child will understand. Each information page has an activity for your child to do that will increase understanding. Each page also has vocabulary words underlined so that your child can see them in context. You'll find vocabulary sheets for your child to write in the definition of the words. Also included is a time line of the 18th century which comes with small images that your child can actually glue onto the time line! Most of the images in our unit study are actual photos. There is also a fun 9 page "Colonial Trades" research activity. Here your child will research such colonial trades as a wig maker, a tanner, a blacksmith and more.
Topics in "An Overview of the 18th Century" include: School in the 1700's, Slave Trade, French and Indian War, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Dividing the Western Lands, The White House, George Washington, Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Boone, Inventions, 18th Century Technology, Fun Facts, Colonial Trades
60 pages