Lord Baden-Powell Lapbook with Study Guide (founder of Scouting)

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This 2 folders lapbook is specifically designed to go along with the book The Legacy of Lord Baden-Powell Founder of Scouting by Eleanor Clark. Each chapter in the book has a corresponding booklet for your child to complete in the lapbook. (Some chapters have several booklets). Simply read the text from the book, go to the lapbook booklet that accompanies it, and follow the instructions to complete the booklet.
Lapbook and Lord Baden-Powell book sold separately. We do NOT sell the book, only the lapbook. You may buy the book on Amazon.
The lapbook covers:
History of the Bugle
History of the Boy Scout Uniform
World Jamboree
“God Bless America”
The Scout Sign
Famous Boy Scouts
The Scout Law
and more!
2 folders
About the book
At first glance, it appears to be another ordinary week at Boy Scout camp: campfires, new friends, great times . . .
But this year Camp M. K. Brown is the setting for an extra-special week in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Learn about the founder of the Scouting movement, Lord Baden-Powell, as you follow boys pulling pranks, working for merit badges, horseback riding, swimming, and hiking.
Fast-paced and full of the antics of active Boy Scouts, The Legacy of Lord Baden-Powell not only entertains but also educates.
• Discover the real values behind what the program offers to boys who put God and country first in their lives.
• Understand the words "Be Prepared" and "Reverent." • Acquire the skills that allow you to face problems with confidence.
• Earn the Scouting Legacy activity badge.
Come along on this exciting journey as a special guest discovers what really motivated Lord Baden-Powell.