Daily Helper Kindergarten Math Lapbook

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Are you limited in wall space to put educational posters? Like most homes, you probably do not have a huge place for bulletin boards either. Well, neither do we! That’s why we decided to create Daily Helpers.
The Math Daily Helper is a 3 folder lapbook used alongside your child’s math program. Your child can use it for review of Kindergarten math skills and also as a reference during math when he/she runs into an area of struggle.
When your child is done with math for the day, the Daily Helper lapbook folds up and is placed in your child's desk or math book for safe keeping. It is like having many teaching posters right in front of your child all at ONE time!!
And, no holes in the wall!
We highly recommend that you laminate the templates before putting into the file folders so that they can be used over and over again with a dry erase marker and also so the templates will stay sturdy after lots of usage from your child.
Requires 3 file folders.