Researching Sea Animals Binder-Builder

See Sample Pages
Does your student love researching animals? This Binder-Builder gives your student a place to record information about many favorite sea animals. Includes the Barracuda, Angelfish, Dolphin, Butterfly Fish, Clownfish, Coelacanth, Cowfish, Electric Ray, Seal, Shark, Grouper, Halibut, Jellyfish, Whale, Lion Fish, Marine Iguana, Nautilus, Octopus, Parrotfish, Porcupine Fish, Salmon, Sea Horse, Sea Otter, Sea Snake, Turtle, Squid, Star Fish, Sturgeon, Triggerfish, Walrus, and Yellowtailed Snapper.
A Binder-Builder is like a lapbook except that the booklets are glued onto cardstock pages and kept in a 3-ring binder.
Does not include a study guide. The purpose of the Binder-Builder is to encourage research and offer a fun and educational way to record data.