Apologia/Jeannie Fulbright-Exploring Creation with Botany 1st Edition Lapbook

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This lapbook correlates to Botany 1st edition. Please check that you are using the 1st edition before ordering.
Our Exploring Creation with Botany lapbook has one full folder of beautiful mini-booklets for EACH chapter in Mrs. Fulbright's book. It is very thorough and meaty and covers much of what Mrs. Fulbright's book covers. It even has a built-in lesson plan that tells you the pages to read each day.
At the top of each mini-booklet page are directions concerning the construction of your mini-booklet, pages to read from the Fulbright book (highlighted in bold text), and what your student will record in the mini-booklet after reading to show what is learned. A small key is also here to show you where to glue each mini-booklet into the folders.
Requires 8 file folders! Don't worry! We give you a great and simple idea for storage of the lapbooks!
Answer Key
All Mini-booklets
Lesson Plan
Website and Book Suggestions
Super Easy Lapbook Instructions-Our directions and placement key are on the SAME page as the mini-booklet, unlike other Apologia lapbooks that have instructions in one section of the lapbook and the assembly guide in another section of the lapbook, and the mini-booklets in another section. Very confusing and causes parents to have to do a lot of searching back and forth to assemble the lapbook.