Presidents Notebooking Pages

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How to use these notebooking pages
Before getting started, hole punch the pages and place them in a binder. We recommend that the presidents be done in order starting with George Washington. After reading and studying about Washington, (this can be a very brief study or an in depth study) find his picture in the back of the book, cut it out and glue it onto the square on his page. Then write something interesting that you have learned about him.
It’s up to you as to how many presidents to do a day. You may want your child to do only one president a day, a sheet a day (which would be two presidents) or even more than that. Or you may chose to do a really in depth study and chose to do a president a week. The timing is completely up to you.
Upon completion, your child will have a complete diary of the presidents in his/her own words and handwriting. All of the presidents from Washington to Trump are included.
30 pages