A Journey Through Learning Lapbooks Blog

Why Attend a Homeschool Convention?

Homeschool Convention Season is quickly approaching. Why attend a homeschool convention? There are so many reasons why it's a good idea to attend each year, but we will go over a few of our favorites. . .
  • Meet others who are on a similar journey  - Fellowship with other Christians & homeschoolers is important. There is something very special about a group of people gathered together with the same or similar focus and goals.
  • Encouragement - We all need it. The speakers, vendors and other homeschool friends are a terrific source of encouragement to help you remember why you have chosen this path and to help you through a variety of difficulties facing homeschool families today.
  • Education -  Knowledge is power! It may be cliche', but it is repeated over and over again for a reason. The more you learn and educate yourself about parenting, homeschooling, teaching special needs, products and ideas - the more equipped you are to tackle your own family homeschool with confidence.
  • Teaching Methods - Learn about so many different tips and techniques for teaching that you just won't find anywhere else. No matter what your child's learning style may be, there is curriculum, products, and teaching styles to fit their individual needs.
  • Unique Experience - Until you have been to a homeschool convention, you simply cannot comprehend the power in it. Over and over again, we talk to people who are completely taken by surprise to experience so many families who are homeschooling. Friendships are made, relationships are formed and families plan to come back and meet up year after year.
  • Saturation - With the environment of the homeschool convention being what it is, you become saturated in homeschool spirit. You leave feeling refreshed, encouraged, informed and prepared.

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Be sure to leave us a message here or on our Facebook Page HERE

to let us know which conference you will be attending!

Help! My Child is Too Old for Lapbooks!

Help! My Child is Too Old for Lapbooks!

Do you have older children that feel cutting and pasting is NOT for them?  Do they cringe at the thought of doing anything creative? Well, AJTL has the answer! Creating Binder Builders from lapbooks for your older children may just be the solution you are looking for.

Being creative IS needed by EVERYONE! Children learn BY doing.  Somewhere we have given the message to older kids that learning can no longer be fun.  The simple truth is, as homeschooling moms of “older” kids, sometimes we just want to get it done.

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