Search Results

  1. Cycle 2 Foundations The first four products are our Learning Activity Books for Cycle 2 memory work. Then you will see our lapbooks for Cycle 2. Lapbooking provides a way for your child to get a deeper understanding of the topics covered in Cycle 2. Choose a few that your child would like to do. You will not be able to do them all. A Journey Through Learning would like to extend a special thank you to Rob and Leigh Bortins, founders of Classical Conversations, for their blessing and permission to create this sp...
  2. List of Curriculum Lapbooks Curriculum lapbooks are a perfect choice for hands-on learning! Have you chosen a homeschool curriculum for your child and want a supplement to enhance learning or make it fun and hands-on? We have created curriculum lapbooks for some of the leading homeschool curriculum that moms choose! Our curriculum lapbooks also include Binder-Builders (curriculum lapbooks done in a 3-ring binder instead of folders) and we even have some notebooking. We invite you to look around. We have lapbooks for...