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  1. Apologia Lapbooks (small) Made to go along with Jeannie Fulbright's Apologia elementary science textbooks. These small lapbooks are 3-folders in size and have a total of about 28-30 mini-booklets. We recommend the small size for those who like lapbooking just occasionally.At the top of each mini-booklet page are directions concerning the construction of your mini-booklet, pages to read from the Fulbright book (highlighted in bold text), and what your student will record in the mini-booklet after reading to show wh...
  2. Apologia Lapbooks (large) This Apologia lapbook- teaches & reviews the science concepts taught in the textbook using a hands-on approach with mini-booklets. is available in your choice of full color graphics or black & white that your child can color, if wanted. comes with an answer key to all the questions on the mini-booklets. No searching through or reading the pages in the book to find answers. tells exactly which pages to read in the textbook and when to stop to do a mini-booklet. is very thorough ther...
  3. List of Curriculum Lapbooks Curriculum lapbooks are a perfect choice for hands-on learning! Have you chosen a homeschool curriculum for your child and want a supplement to enhance learning or make it fun and hands-on? We have created curriculum lapbooks for some of the leading homeschool curriculum that moms choose! Our curriculum lapbooks also include Binder-Builders (curriculum lapbooks done in a 3-ring binder instead of folders) and we even have some notebooking. We invite you to look around. We have lapbooks for...